Parent Participation
Please use the link on this page to sign up for parent participation opportunities. We are always in need of weekend help with our large group meetings, and we will need help at the retreat as well!
Spring Retreat
The date and time of our spring retreat is February 22nd, 10AM - 6PM. If your family has a conflict, it will be your responsibility to find a different, local parish retreat for them to attend.
Baptismal Certificates
You will need to submit a copy of your Baptismal Certificate no later than Sunday, November 5. You can either email a copy to the Confirmation coordinator, or bring a copy in to class. We do not need the original – just a copy. If you were baptized at St. Pius X Catholic Church, you will still need to email and let us know so that we can look up the sacramental record.
Confirmation Candidates will need a Sponsor for the Rite of Confirmation. The qualifications for a sponsor, as outlined in Canon Law, are as follows:
Cannot be the parent of the candidate they are sponsoring.
Must be at least 16 years old.
Must be a practicing Catholic, in good standing with the Church. (This means that they are a registered and participating member of a parish, active in their faith, and if they are married they must be in a valid, Catholic marriage.)
The Sponsor Form must be filled out, signed by their pastor, and returned by the due date listed above. If their parish is St. Pius X, the form can be returned to me and I will make sure it gets to Monsignor Marcaccio for his approval.
Patron Saints
Confirmation Candidates will need to choose a Patron Saint for the Rite of Confirmation. This can be any Saint, or someone in the process of Canonization (examples: Venerable Fulton Sheen or Blessed Carlo Acutis). It can also be a Theological Virtue or a Cardinal Virtue in place of a Saint. The Patron Saint Form must be filled out and returned by the due date listed above.
Stewardship Hours
Confirmation Candidates are required to accumulate 40 Stewardship hours over the course of the year. These hours should consist of Service hours (30) and Spiritual hours(10). (Some examples of each are listed below.) Details on this will be provided in early summer.
Examples of Service Hours:
Volunteer at Parish Events or in Parish Ministries (Senior Event, Live Nativity, Parish Nursery, Italian Festival, etc.) Visit www.stpiusxnc.com/youth-stewardship for more information.
Volunteer with one of our partner organizations (G.U.M., Room at the Inn, etc.)
Volunteer working with the elderly or at an animal shelter
Altar Serve at a regular weekend Mass (maximum 5 out of the 10 required hours)
Examples of Spiritual Hours:
Attend a Daily Mass on Mon, Thurs, Fri (~60 minutes; school Mass does not count)
Attend Adoration (~30 – 60 minutes)
Pray the Rosary for a special intention (~30 minutes)
Go to Confession (~15 minutes)
Altar Serve at a Wedding/Funeral (~60 minutes)
Make and distribute blessing boxes to the homeless or at a senior center
Confirmation Date May 5, 2025 5:00 PM Mass
If you have any questions about the Confirmation program or any of the requirements, please feel free to reach out to me by email or phone.
Kat Manzella
Youth & Young Adult Ministry