Parents who wish to have their child (infant through age 6) baptized must be active, participating Catholics who will nurture their child’s faith. The parents must also attend a Baptismal Preparation Class, which takes place once every 2 months (check your bulletin for upcoming dates). There are documents that need to be received at the parish office before a Baptismal date will be confirmed. Adults and children over the age of 7 who seek Baptism take part in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Please contact Wendy Barber at the parish office for more information about Baptism.
The standard time for reception of these sacraments for children is in the 2nd grade. Participation in 1st grade faith formation class on Sundays or in religious education at the school is a prerequisite. Preparation for First Reconciliation must take place before preparing for First Eucharist. Parents must attend a retreat with their child to assist in their preparation. Please contact Lindsay Sartorio at the parish office for more information about First Reconciliation and First Eucharist or click HERE.
The standard time for Confirmation is at the end of 8th grade, or approximately at the age of 14. Participation in the parish preparation program during the 8th grade year is required. Sponsors for Confirmation are required to be active, participating Catholics who are in good-standing with the Catholic Church. Adults or teens (age 15+) who seek Confirmation take part in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Please contact Kat Manzella at the parish office for more information about Confirmation or click HERE.
Congratulations! We look forward to working with both the bride and the groom at least 6 months before the wedding. The Pre-Cana program at St. Pius X consists of a group gathering at St. Pius X, several meetings with a mentor couple, an online assessment and review with a trained facilitator or deacon, an Introduction to Natural Family Planning session, and meetings with the pastor and parish wedding coordinator. The term "Pre-Cana" is derived from John 2:1-12, the Wedding Feast at Cana, where Jesus performs his first miracle of turning water into wine. Please contact Lindsay Sartorio at the parish office for more information on the Pre Cana program. Contact Liz Pendergrass to book your wedding at St. Pius X or to receive a copy of the St. Pius X Wedding Handbook.
For those who are feeling called to a religious vocation, please visit our Vocations Ministry Page by clicking here for more information about prayerful discernment, ministry contact information, and other relevant information.
In the past, some confusion has existed over the Anointing of the Sick and "Last Rites." The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is not reserved only for those who are dying but is available to anyone facing a serious illness or surgery. The sacrament can also be received again if one recovers from illness and gets sick again, or if an existing condition becomes more serious. You are encouraged to seek the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick early in a serious illness. The sacrament for someone who is dying is known as Viaticum, which means "food for the journey." This is the reception of Holy Communion by someone who is close to death. If you, or a member of your family is hospitalized, or in need of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please contact Liz Pendergrass at the parish office.